Archive for March, 2010


Weight loss week 4: Success!

March 30, 2010

I don’t know how it happened, but as of this morning, I am 127.2 pounds, .6 pounds over my 2 pounds a week goal. Woo! The reason why I’m unsure how it happened is because I didn’t start up my excercising again until yesterday. If you remember from last week, I was sick for most of it so I was just sleeping when I wasn’t working.  My only guess for the weightloss is that I had no appitite last week, and when I was eating it was actually pretty healthy because Neil made me eat at least once a day. Granted, I was also running around at work, but I don’t think that had as much impact.

As of this morning, my excercise hasn’t changed much, but here are the numbers: 40 deep knee bends, 25 tricep dips, 110 crunches with my legs extended, 25 crunches where i bring my opposite sholder to my opposite knee, and 15 push-ups. .

I was finally able to join the local Y last week, but still have yet to go. I had been wanting to go when I woke up both yesterday and today, but I had woke up way to late; I just need to start setting my alarm, because I WILL go tomorrow. I want to be able to use the elypitcal machine to get my cardio in, and then do yoga when I get home.

I’m really proud of what I’ve been doing, I’m still behind because of last week, I wanted to be at 125 by this week, but there’s not much I can do except keep working. I want to lose two pounds by next week and be down to 125.2, which is completly do-able now that I’m feeling much better.


Week 3 Weight loss, disaster

March 23, 2010

Last week didn’t go as well as planned. I had early morning shows Wednesday to Friday, and I worked lated a BDubs, so I wanted to sleep more than anything else. Sunday morning I woke up with a cold, and I’ve been sick ever since. So, I went back up to 130.2 pounds. I’m hoping I get better soon so I can start excercising again. I had been hoping the running around at work would help me a little bit, and it may be, but it’s hard to tell since I gained a few ounces.

I can now go change my address on my ID, but that involves me feeling well enough to leave the house. As soon as that happens, I’m joining the Y and using the machienes. They have yoga classes, but they cost extra money. I might do those every once in a while just to get some instruction; I don’t want to hurt myself.

Despite the fact that I was a couch potato for a long time, I really do like moving around and doing things, I sometimes don’t have the motivation. I’d like to say it could have been depression, but even when I was happy, I would just lie around, so I really have no idea why it’s harder for me to get moving. Now, when I am moving, I’m a very productive person and I love doing what I do. The problem is getting myself going. Hopefully, once I get back into the habit of excercising, everything else will follow.


Weight loss plan week 2

March 16, 2010

So, as of this morning, weight wise I am: 129.8 and 27 in around. Not quite the 2 pounds that I wanted to lose, but I’m under 130. I over slept so I didn’t have time to do my excercising like I wanted to, but as of yesterday I have: 40 deep knee bends, 25 tricep dips, 110 crunches with legs elivated, 2 sets of 10 crunches while taking my sholder to the opposite knee (I know there’s an actual term for that, anyone know it?) 15 push ups, and about 40 minutes of yoga. My goal for next week is 127 and 26.5 inches around.

Last week, Nathan gave me a really good meal plan suggestion, and I really wanted to follow it, but my new job at bdubs is hindering me from eating every 3 to 4 hours, so I’m going to have to suppliment my normal meals a little bit better. I’ve been drinking a lot more water, and actually eating breakfast when I’m hungry for it (which helps, its only cereal, but its Kashi which is fabulous).

Hopefully by next week, I’ll be able to go to the gym so I can get in some cardio workouts. I’ve been wanting to run outside around here, but it doesn’t seem like there’s anywhere really safe for about four or so miles, so I’ll have to do with the track at the Y and the eliptical machiene.

Last week I found out that my dad is diabetic. Because of this, I really want to make sure that I’m eating better and taking care of myself. Dad is a bit overweight and really likes his sugar, so he also has heart problems on top of the new diabetes. Weirdly enough, not high blood pressure, which I don’t have either, despite the fact that my mom thinks my caffine habits are causing it. Strangly enough, I haven’t been drinking as much coffee either. I’m guessing this is actually because I haven’t had as many early morning things lately; I normally only drink coffee in the morning and Sunday was my first Emerald City show in over a week, so therefore my first amount of coffee in over a week. I’m really not to worried about my caffine consumption, because I’ve never really had any side affects just yet, and I’m taking better care of myself, so I’m sure I’ll be fine.

Now, the question is, why didn’t I lose the whole 2 pounds that I wanted to? Well, I’m attrubiting that to the fact that last week was Maureen’s birthday and there was lots of cake, pie, and beer involved. These are all wonderful things, but lets face it, not at all healthy. I’m going to try to stay away from the sweeks and really limit my beer consumption this week to see if that helps. My guess is that it will.


Fighting on the internet

March 16, 2010

I’ve been working for kgb_ since September. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a text messaging service where you text a question to the service, pay 99 cents and have people look it up and send the answer back. I get paid about ten cents per question, which after a while can actually add up. The agents, as we’re called, have mulptial chat rooms so we  can get help with hard questions (we’re not allowed to not answer a question) and to even just chat. I’ve never been part of the chat room phenonenom before working here, so I watch the “agent lounge” chat just to see what people say. It is crazy what some people will say while on these chats. Agents attacking others on pretty much every subject thinking they’re the only people who are right in the world.

Chat rooms aren’t the only place I’ve witnessed this random and pretty violent fighting on the internet. After adding the stumbleupon button to my browser, I got to see a lot of different websites, espically people’s blogs. Reading the comments on these blogs is crazy. People will say anything from “______ was stupid. _____ has no life and is uneducated”. Now, I’m not an expert on this, but it seems to me that if people are duking it out on the internet, they seem to have almost as much life as the person that they’re insulting.

Fighting on the internet is almost like hiding from actual problems. The internet, and texting for that matter, makes things seems easier to say, but it can be construed the wrong way. Now, I have no problem voicing my opinions through typing and the like because I’m pretty awkward while typing. But, if I really need to confront people, I’ll actually speak to them. Because, no matter how eloquint you can be through typing, it takes out the personal affect that actually talking to a person has. 

Now, normally I don’t get mad at any of these posters on the internet, I don’t know them and I feel everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. However, about two weeks ago on postsecret, which is something I always check right after midnight on Sunday’s, someone posted to the forum that post secret was pretty much a terrible thing and that he wasn’t doing anything to help people with their secrets. That was the first attack that I had ever seen on postsecret. Frankly, postsecret is a kind of therapy. I’ve never sent any in, but I like to see that other people are fighting their fears and hopefully getting help in real life.

So basically, I think people need to start talking to each other again. Actually talking. If you have a problem, go up to that person and say: hey, I have a problem with this, lets talk about it. That’s not really so hard, is it?


It feels so good

March 11, 2010

If you’ve never been out of work for a while, you don’t know how good it feels to be working again. I was getting overly bored and lethargic. Yesterday was my first day of training at Bdubs. I barely had time to sit down during the almost 5 hrs I was there, and I loved it. I can’t wait to be able to keep working, barley having time to sit down or anything. The fact that I’m earning more money makes me feel even better. I love being a stage manager, but right now it’s not paying the bills. I should have asked for a pay raise during Nutcracker, but I didn’t think of it until last week, so I’m not getting one. I need to stop doing what I love for so little pay, especially since I know I deserve way more.

I love living with Neil and Maureen, they’re pretty much some of the best roommates I’ve had besides Katie and Jaki. Today is Maureen’s birthday, there will be lost of celebration this weekend =)


Let’s do this

March 9, 2010

Last year I told myself I was going to get in shape. It took 3 months, and I was down to 120 pounds (from 130) and feeling a lot better. I was excercising every day when I woke up, walking every where, taking the stairs, and doing yoga twice a week. During the summer, excercising got a little harder, so I stopped doing my morning excercise every day, but was still walking every where. I gained about 4 pounds, but I was drinking more beer. When I moved back in with my parents, I started running and somehow gained six pounds. My knee started hurting, so I had to stop running, and gained all the weight that I had lost back. As of today, I am 131 and not at all happy about that. Yesterday I decided I was going to start excercising again. Once I can get my licence address changed, I’m joining the local Y, but until then, I’ll be normal excercises and yoga every morning. Excercises include: deep knee bends, tricep dips, crunches, and push ups. Right now I can do 40 knee bends, 25 tricep dips, 100 crunches with my legs elevated, and 10 push ups and half hour of yoga. I’m going to be weighing myself every Tuesday and measuring my waist as well. I want to lose 2 pounds by next week to at least get back under 130. My goal is to be back down to 120 by May, which gives me 53 days to lose 11 pounds, which is do-able. I’m going to be posting my progress on here, just to get myself a little more motivation.


How Does this Happen?

March 4, 2010

I am very serious about my job. I make sure that everything is the same during a show, everytime. If I’m in a space sharing situation, I make sure that I leave the space better than when I walked into it. This is not a hard concept, but it seems that a lot of people I’ve been exposed to recently don’t have the same thoughts. There are two ASM’s on another Emerald City show that shares the Apollo space who haven’t been doing what I do, and it’s past rediculous. They never leave their set in the same spot, and worst, they’ve just been throwing stuff in our shared hole all willy-nilly. (yes, I said willy-nilly). I’ve talked to Scott about it, and he’s said he’s talked to the SM of that show, but its done no good. Why is it so hard? I really want to have a “this is how you ASM” class for them.

In a day of technology, there are still problems with communication. This theatre company is a big example. No one talks to each other and its very hard to work like that. How hard is it to pick up a phone and call or text a person a question? And then, how hard is it to answer? It’s not, actually. I have 24/7 access to my phone and e-mail and ALWAYS answer right away, even if I don’t have an answer just to let them know I got their message. Its frustrating.


Yup, I’m going to talk about it

March 2, 2010

I was raised Luthern by my parents. My mother is very into religion and it pretty much leads her life.  I was forced to go to church and Sunday school every week until I moved away and went to college. Some people who are religious say they feel something, that they get something out of religion. Out of my 24 years of life, I can honstly say I’ve never felt anything, even when I pretty much knew all the facts and what I was supposed to believe. The only thing I’ve taken out of my experience is a belief that god does exist. Other than that, I’ve noticed that so many people who are part of orginazed religion are just as hypotricial and greedy as people who aren’t. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard religious people talking bad about other people, and judging people who don’t believe what they do. My biggest problem though, is that a lot of the more concersivitve religions aren’t accepting of people who are gay. I have so many gay friends and I love them all to death. And yes, I know that there’s something in the Bible that seemingly condems it, but frankly I’ve always wondered if the Bible was even translated correctly. I just can support something that leaves out half of my friends.

What brought all this up? Well, I officially moved out of my parent’s out house yesterday and am free from going to church, even though they’re still trying to convince me to go with my aunt. While in college, I didn’t go to church and was fine with that. Every time I wasn’t feeling well emotional, the first thing my mother would tell me would be to go to church. The fact that was her only answer kind of got to me. There are some things religion can’t fix, especially if I just need someone to talk to.

My suggestion for life is this: believe what you want, but be respectful to other people’s beliefs. And always, ALWAYS treat people well. Don’t judge, its not your place to.